Training Classes

New American Arms offers a wide selection of training classes for those with no experience, some experience, or the advanced shootist. No matter your skill level or prior experience, we can provide up to date techniques, methods, and current law. Our courses are taught by experienced professional instructors with backgrounds in law enforcement, competition, and gunsmithing.

Some of our more popular classes include:

Intermediate Defensive Handgun Course - $89.00

Range class with refresher on basics and moving to holster work involving safety, draw, presentation, and target engagement with live fire.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of basic Defensive Handgun academic and range training or equivalent experience (determined on case-by-case basis).

Requirements: Personal firearm suitable for self-defense, appropriate holster/belt, minimum of 2 magazines or speed loaders, 100 rounds of correct caliber ammunition.

Firearm and equipment must be approved prior to arriving at training.

Defensive Handgun Course - $89.00

This four-hour course will cover firearms safety, pertinent laws, firearm function and identification, marksmanship fundamentals, and incident response. The class will qualify you to apply for a Virginia CHP, with a certificate of training awarded upon completion. Classes held in our training room at New American Arms.

Prerequisite: NONE. All levels may participate.

Defensive Handgun Range Training - $59.00

This course is the next step following completion of the Defensive Handgun Course. We encourage all students to follow up with this range training in order to apply what was learned in the academic training and receive further training to develop confidence and capability with your handgun. This range training includes live fire with coaching. You will learn proper technique, operation of a firearm, and how to evaluate yourself as a shooter to improve performance. This course focuses on techniques for safety and proficiency. This training is on a private range located in Chesterfield County.

Prerequisite: Previous attendees of the Defensive Handgun Course OR retired LEOs.

Reloading 101 - $69.00

Fundamentals of reloading centerfire ammunition for both rifles and pistols. Explanation and demonstration of the steps, components, equipment choices and more. Learn from a veteran reloader and open the door to precision and volume reloading for personal use.

Introduction to the AR-15 platform of firearms - $59.00

Instruction includes safety features and use, sight in procedures, marksmanship fundamentals. Demonstration of field stripping, cleaning and maintenance requirements as well as identification of components. Instruction will also include discussion of modularity, types of upgrades/add-ons and the evolution of the platform from Eugene Stoner's original design to the modern M4 platform carbine and AR-pistol type arms. Classes held in our training room at New American Arms.

U.S. LawShield Seminars - Free for members, $10 for non-members (cash only)

Learn your rights from real attorneys and law enforcement professionals. Topics include essential gun laws, use of force and deadly force, 4th and 5th amendment rights, law enforcement interactions and more.